Chronicles of Elyria Wiki

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Chronicles of Elyria Wiki

Al'Tifali is one of the major religions of Elyria, shared by the Dras and the Waerd. Al'Tifali teaching centers around the Two-fold Queen (often abbreviated TFQ or 2FQ)[1], and adherents are referred to as tifa or Servants of the Two-fold Queen.

The Two-Fold Queen is the keeper of balance; the giver and the taker, the hand of judgement, and the granter of mercy. And while few claim to have actually seen her, those who have say that she is both a beacon of light, and the darkness of the abyss. Those that have not seen her, believe that she makes her will known through natural phenomenon and look to the world around them for signs of change which may be manifestations of her desires.

More than anything, the Servants of the Two-Fold queen recognize and hold true the universal Law of Extremes, stating that "When two counter-balancing forces are carried to their extremes they are seen to be identical. In that, one is blinded as effectively by a brilliant light as they are by darkness."

As a result, the Servants seek to maintain balance and equilibrium in all things and disregard many of the societal conventions held by the other religions in order to do so. In particular, the Servants believe that Death is but the fertilization of life; that darkness is but the shadow cast by the light; and that good and evil are but terms created by the more naive tribes of Mann-kind to explain both the favorable and unfavorable - but necessary - deeds of the Servants.[2]

Universal Law of Extremes[ | ]

"When two counter-balancing forces are carried to their extremes they are seen to be identical. In that, one is blinded as effectively by a brilliant light as they are by darkness."[3]

Followers of the Two-Fold Queen disregard many societal conventions to maintain equilibrium in all things. Servants particularly believe that "darkness is but the shadow cast by the light"; death is the fertilization of life; and that the concept of good and evil were created by Mann as a means to define socially acceptable and unacceptable behavior.[3]

Religious Purpose[ | ]

The Al'Tifali seek to follow and serve the Mother by maintaining a balance in all things[4].

Variation[ | ]

Dras[ | ]

The Dras believe in living life to its fullest potential, thus embracing life. They believe that the Queen will get her ledger balanced as needed, to the Dras it's more important to live life to the fullest.

Drasean followers display signs of their religion through bracelets worn in pairs on both arms. Black and white bracelets which are always made in pairs, one of bone and the other of jet (black mineral). These bracelets represent the balance as well as the history of the Dras, a reminder of their servitude to the Janoa. [3]

The Waerd[ | ]

The Waerd see the world as only black and white; embrace death, and view sacrifice as a natural part of the cycle. Too much prey for people to eat? Kill more prey! Not enough prey for people to eat? Kill more people! In either case, the Waerd use darkness and death as implements of balance.[2]

References[ | ]

  1. CoE Acronyms Guide, 20 May, 2016
  2. 2.0 2.1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Caspian. Tribes: Dras. June 18, 2017
  4. Caspian. ##3.26.2018#Religions of Mann# Discord Timestamp